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Roasted Tomatillo & Avocado Salsa Verde

Because when you have nothing else to do on a Friday night, why not enjoy an evening with yummy chips & new salsa! I highly recommend this salsa. It takes some prep time, but it also makes a lot of salsa. INGREDIENTS

1 1/4 lb. Tomatillos, wrapper removed and rinsed 1 large White Onion, cut into quarters 2 Tb. minced Garlic 2 large Jalapenos 2 tsp. ground Cumin 2 tsp. Salt 1 large handful Cilantro 2 Avocados 2 Tb. Lime Juice 2 Tb. Vegetable Oil


1. Preheat your oven to 450 degrees. On a baking tray place all your tomatillos, jalapenos, and onions. Drizzle with your oil and roast for 15 minutes.

2. Prep your avocados by removing the pits and set aside. Once you remove the roasted items from the oven, remove the majority of the seeds and insides of the jalapenos.

Ashley Tip: The more seeds you leave in, the spicer the salsa!

3. In a food processor (or blender!) place half the tomatillos, onions, jalapenos, and avocado. Add half of the garlic, cumin, salt, and cilantro. Pulse until it’s mostly smooth.

4. Pour into a separate bowl. Add the remaining of those same ingredients into the blender and repeat the last step and add to the bowl.

5. Now add to your salsa mixture, also add in your lime juice and mix together well until it’s all combined.

Ashley Tip: Add the lime juice to taste - I used a little less than the recommended 2 Tb and I thought it was perfect!

According to the wonderful site I found this recipe on, the salsa has a shelf life of a week - if it lasts that long!

Great on chips & in tacos! Enjoy!

Click here to check out the original recipe!

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